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Dec. 16, 2023

E165 Retire in Alcala la Real, Spain

E165 Retire in Alcala la Real, Spain

Kevin Cavanaugh spent his junior year of college abroad at the University of Seville in Spain. He immersed himself in Spanish, becoming fluent in the language. This was the beginning of his love affair with the country, but little did he know that his time there would play a significant role in deciding where to retire. His language skills allowed Kevin to seamlessly move to Alcala la Real, a small town in southern Spain where few inhabitants speak English. Hear about Kevin’s calculated move to his dream location on Episode 165 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.


Kevin Cavanaugh

Kevin Cavanaugh, a native of a small town in Upstate New York, earned a Sociology degree from SUNY Geneseo. His love for Spain began during a junior year abroad in Seville.
After starting his career in Human Resources in San Francisco, Kevin joined Microsoft, leading to roles in Washington DC, Puerto Rico, London, Copenhagen, and Stockholm. Managing HR for 18 EU countries, including Spain, allowed him to explore his dream destinations.
In 2018, following an amicable end to a 24-year relationship, Kevin reevaluated his retirement plans. Drawn to Granada, he settled in Alcala la Real, immersing himself in language study, foreign cinema, wine, cooking, and gardening. His passion for history and architecture reflects a life shaped by diverse experiences.