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Lawrence Frolik


Lawrence A. Frolik is Professor Emeritus of Law and Distinguished Faculty Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. His specialty is Elder Law about which he wrote or co-authored 15 books. His latest books are “Wise Moves: Checklist for Where to Live, What to Consider, and Whether to Stay or Go” (co-author Sally Balch Hurme) and “Why Did I Walk Into This Room: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Growing Older” (co-Author Kenny Hegland).
Professor Frolik served as Chair of the Pennsylvania AARP Advisory Committee, was a Congressionally appointed representative to the White House Conference on Aging, and served on the Board of the Kendal Corporation which oversaw seven Continuing Care Retirement Communities.
He is an honors graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of Nebraska where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

April 8, 2023

E130 Special Topic: Stay or Go / Elder Law

Retire There begins a series of special topics, where we step back and explore subjects that impact retirement. In Episode 130, we invite Law Professor Lawrence Frolik to address aging in place versus moving during retirement...

Listen to the Episode