Paul Thornton, originally from Brooklyn and Long Island, New York, served in the US Army, earned an MBA, and had a diverse career in corporate management, small business ownership, and higher education. He retired in 2021 after holding positions as a business professor and administrator.
Paul began his writing journey at age 58, inspired by delivering a heartfelt father-of-the-bride speech at his daughter's wedding. This prompted him to share a powerful memory, leading to a liberating and cathartic experience. Encouraged by this, he started his award winning memoir, "White Man’s Disease," a gripping account of his harrowing brush with death and journey of recovery. Paul has now completed his fourth book, "The Joy of Cruising Again," the finale of The Joy of Cruising trilogy, showcasing his passion for cruising.
Despite the stark contrast between his memoir and cruise-themed books, both explore the theme of passion and how it drives people to do remarkable things.
Currently residing in Mooresville, North Carolina, with his wife Cheryl, Paul cherishes cruising with their children and grandchildren as life's ultimate escape. He hosts the award winning "The Joy of Cruising Podcast," engaging with passionate cruisers and global cruise personalities. Paul has also started a sequel to "White Man’s Disease" titled "Gracefully" and plans a podcast series that delves into the memoir.
Cheryl Vaughan Thornton, a native of Pamplin, Virginia, earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Virginia State University in 1980. She began her career at the DuPont Company in Delaware, progressing through various accounting and finance roles. During her time at DuPont, she earned an MBA from Wilmington College in 1984 and gained extensive experience, including international travel. In 1996, she left corporate life to manage her family's retail stores, Video Smart and Dollar Amandla Cards & Gifts, until their closure in 2012.
After relocating to Fort Myers, FL, Cheryl worked as a Juvenile Diversion Case Manager and later as a Fiscal Manager for Ft. Myers Community Redevelopment Agency. In 2021, the family moved to North Carolina, where Cheryl continued remote work for Ft. Myers until her retirement in 2022. Throughout her life, she has been an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, engaging in community service, and enjoys traveling.
The couple have two children and 2 grandkids.
As retirement neared, Paul and Cheryl Thornton moved from Delaware to Florida, believing it would be their “forever” home. While Florida is a great location for cruise enthusiasts like Paul, he hated it - the weather was unbe...