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Amazing Podcast
I retired in 2021 and moved overseas immediately. Looking to move again and this podcast is now my very favorite, the calm smooth way this podcast is presented, I feel like the hosts are my good friends at this point, they are so good ar bringing out the details from each guest. Kudos Gil and Gene, you are helping a lot of people make big decisions in their lives. Gotta go back now and keep going through their library until I catch up on all the episodes. Love this podcast!
Informative and entertaining
I really like this podcast. I’ve learned a lot. The wife and I intend to live overseas at some point in our future . I wish they had some episodes about people who relocated to the UK.
I love this podcast
Great interviews!
I’m 52 and thinking of retiring early. Getting lots of great ideas from Gene and Gil and their guests - thanks!
Informative and inspirational!
I stumbled across this podcast when searching for "retirement" podcasts on Apple and proceeded to binge listen to multiple episodes. It was exactly what I was looking for - stories of real people who have taken on an adventurous move in retirement. It's so interesting to learn what attracts people to a specific area of the world and the details of their life in their chosen location. I can't say enough good things about the hosts. They are warm, personable and excellent interviewers. They ask the right, relevant questions from their guests and probe to get details as needed. Gil and Gene: Thank you for creating this gem of a podcast. It is much appreciated by those of us who are looking for inspiration and information to pursue the next phase of life!
I love this podcast:)
I found this podcast a week ago. My husband and I are looking at relocating after 44 years in Kentucky and this has been so so helpful! Thank you both for being so entertaining and all the wonderful conversations with locals from those areas:) I love your Brooklyn accents!
Love this couple!!!
The podcasts are so interesting and I love Gil and Gene!! They are so down to earth and are totally engaged with their guests! I hope they keep this podcast going even after thy choose their retirement destination! Thank you G & G for so many hours of education and entertainment!!
My favorite podcast, lthough we’re not necessarily planning to move, ( never know!) I love hearing the details on how decisions are made, the costs, plus adjusting to a new community. So much fun listening. The interviewing style is respectful, relaxed and the right questions are asked. I’d be interested to know what the difference in expenses are overall from where the retirees have moved from.
The perfect escape & educational!
I’ve been enjoying Retire There for about a year now. I love the episodes on affordable areas the most! It’s so helpful to hear why the guests chose the areas they did and their experience acclimating there. I often wonder how the guests who left the US deal with leaving friends and family and would love some more questions on how they navigate that - this is my biggest concern in taking the plunge. I look forward to more episodes!
Entertaining, hopeful, informative
An informative and inspiring podcast by a wonderful couple who research the dream, but also the nitty-gritty practicalities. The best episodes, for me, are the Europe-based ones that have guests who offer deep context and thought as well as practicalities, who have a back-story and personality of real interest and who completely engage with the destination culture. Episodes 81 and 165, for instance, were totally inspiring and uplifting.
What a great episode!
The David Pogue episode is amazing. Well done!
Excellent Podcast with Useful Information
All of the podcasts are really good. I love the way Gil and Gene have a standard set of questions they ask all guests. The questions are very pertinent to many retirees and people considering expat life. I've learned a lot from these podcasts, saved a lot of the links and information provided. Thank you!
Greece via Trawler?!
Every single episode gets me excited about retirement possibilities!! Although my sites are on Italy, even Athens on a Boat has me day dreaming. I love your podcast!!!!! Never stop!!!!! Everyone owes you a coffee.
Best travel & retire podcast
All of Gil and Gene's podcasts are great. They give you a sense of wonderment and an urge to travel abroad in idyllic settings. Now back down to earth. They also explore most all of the costs involved in living abroad, housing, food, health care, utilities, etc. Of course the pluses and minuses of the location is explored as well. Great info for anyone contemplating this life. (Trying to get my wife to take the plunge)
Great podcast
Good variety of places.
Life changing podcast
Gil and Gene rekindled a nearly dead dream (thanks, global pandemic)to retire in Italy. Each episode has helped me gain insight into the process of seeking the “just right” place. The process for each guest is different, but I find take away advice from every one of them. I so appreciate their sharing and the time that must go into development of a truly professional level show. My life in the piazza is hopefully just a few years away now, and we’re moving forward thanks to this awesome couple and their genius podcast.
Wonderful podcast!
This is my favorite podcast! So much variety in the locations chosen for each episode! Each episode is full of valuable information and you get a great sense of what it’s like living in each place! Keep up the great work!
Fantastic podcast!
Great podcast, so much information and the hosts Gil a d Gene have an easy comfortable way of asking probing questions to get real answers without being abrasive. Thank you for delivering this delightful gem! Saving the newest podcast for reference for the future
Lovin’ Retire There
After listening to my first Retire There with Gil and Gene, I was hooked! Listening to this podcast is fun and provides real life details on destination decisions, cost of living and lifestyles. When a particular episode resonates with me, that information is invaluable. I have recommended this podcast to many friends. Please continue to produce Retire There! Warmly, Stacey
Lovin’ Retire There
After listening to my first Retire There with Gil and Gene, I was hooked! Listening to this podcast is fun and provides real life details on destination decisions, cost of living and lifestyles. When a particular episode resonates with me, that information is invaluable. I have recommended this podcast to many friends. Please continue to produce Retire There! Warmly, Stacey
Really enjoy this podcast
I’ve only listened to 6 of the episodes and I am going to go through all of them I enjoy them so much. The hosts are not intrusive in their questions and let the guests speak freely. I like hearing about new places to retire, especially the international destinations. The only thing I would like more of is the housing costs, either rental amounts or purchase. Saying the cost of living is low is one thing but hearing what rents actually are is another. I found this podcast by accident but so glad I did. Good work
Vicarious travel!
Love this podcast. It really gives you an intimate look into different places and people’s experiences choosing where to retire. Very inspiring and the hosts are fun to listen to. Great show! Update: I’m still enjoying this and appreciate the excellent content every week. I live in Brooklyn too and am in the same stage of life as the hosts, so it is very relevant and I’m getting a lot of great ideas. Thank you Gil and Gene!
I love this couple and their perspective!! I’m a queens gal at heart currently in the burbs of Hudson valley. You e definitely given me something to think about! Love the friendly flowing and informative conversation!
Love the podcast!
Absolutely love the podcast and am gaining lots of valuable info. Would have given 5 stars but wish you would interrupt the guests less and let them talk without interjections! The program is about them and that’s why i listen. Otherwise terrific guests and interviews.
One of my FAVORITE podcasts!
My husband and I are in our upper 40’s and officially empty-nesters. We have been considering retiring overseas over the next several years. The podcast I always go for first when I’m heading out for a run? THIS ONE! This podcast is so well done and very relatable. It is full of amazing information for those considering moving abroad. Keep up the great work, guys!
Entertaining, informative, inspirational
I love this podcast!! Gil and Gene are so smart, sweet, and fun! I love the data/ information shared and easy conversational style. You guys ask the questions I want to ask! Thank you so much for the amazing podcast and sharing the journey with all of us!
Dreaming of Retirement!
This is a fun and informative podcast. I love the way Gil and Gene interact and interview their guests. They are doing such a good job it makes me want to visit all of these places! I enjoy the long format and the tangents. I find their conversational style enjoyable, and like I am in the room with them. Keep it up! You are doing a fabulous job with this podcast!
Great podcast!
So informative - and the low-key, curious, and thoughtful hosts being out fascinating insights from the diverse guests.
My favorite podcast
So much valuable information you simply can’t find anywhere else. The interviews cover a lot of topics and are extremely helpful for retirees, who are interested in relocating.
Excellent Content
I am a podcast enthusiast and have scoured the depths of Apple Podcasts for interesting content related to travel, financial literacy, philosophy, comedy, etc. Although I am not quite at retirement age or phase yet, this podcast has been such a nice addition to the queue. Gil and Gene are informed, funny, charming, naturally inquisitive, and they allow their guests the space to fully answer. This is really a travel podcast in retirement’s clothing. Keep up the great work! And I wonder where Gil and Gene will end up retiring to?